Rundu was the mid-way fuel stop. It was about time for lunch, so we used the Wimpy. hmmm. The food was OK, as Wimpy food goes, but the service was lacking. Their excuse was that they are new, but the poor waiter had no clue what he was doing, and they only told us after eating that they have no facilities for electronic payment. Anyway - moving swiftly along...
From Rundu we turned South West. More straight, flat, endless road. We passed through numerous small villages where the locals subsist in very friendly looking small communities of about 200 to 500 people. They are dry and bland, but very neat - every one of them. And as we were travelling in the early afternoon we saw hundreds of kids walking home from school. The Namibians value their education - something all of Africa should imitate.
Special note: the roads are so good that even the live-stock likes to use them. As you drive you need to be aware that you may be sharing the road with goats, cattle, donkeys or chickens at any unexpected moment.
We stopped to see the Hoba Meteorite about 50 km south of Tsumeb. It is supposed to be the largest meteorite ever recovered on Earth, so it's a big deal. It is a lump of metal nealry 60 tons in weight, 3 meters square, and a meter thick. Souvenir hunters have hacked some bits away - grrr - but the bulk of it remains.
Then North to Tsumeb, and check in to Kupferquelle. Ah - civilization! We RECOMMEND Kupferquelle in Tsumeb! Excellent value for money - and VERY comfortable. And there's a Dros - where we ate dinner.
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